Happy to support you | Here to advocate for you
Divorce is seldom a pleasant topic of conversation. For those facing divorce, it can be deflating. With more than a decade of exclusive divorce and family law advocacy, I understand your need for support beyond the courtroom. Whatever your specific situation is, I am here to support and happy to help.

How can I help?
Divorce is a small word for the big world of legal issues it involved. Learn how I can help you with your particular situation.

Schedule a consultation
Choosing a lawyer is an important decision. An initial consultation with me is more than a "meet and greet." Before you meet with me you'll be given a tool to make the most of your time - ensuring your most important questions and concerns are addressed.

Want to know me better first? Here you can find a brief bio which will outline some of my more memorable professional accomplishments, and give you an idea of myself as an individual.